Enterprise 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution; this is a definition extremely simple to frame the phenomenon; some analysts tend to describe it as a process that will bring to an industrial production completely automatized and interconnected.
According to the reports of the major analysis companies, the new digital technologies will have a deep impact in four developing sectors:
- the first one concerns the use of the data, the computing power and the connectivity: it refers to the terms Big Data, Open Data, Internet of Things, machine-to-machine and cloud computing for the centralization of the information and their maintenance;
- the second one concerns the analysis: once collected the data, we must gain value. Actually, only 2 % of collected data is used in the enterprises, which will gain advantages starting from “machine learning”, from the machines that perfect their yield “learning” from data collection and analysis.
- the third developing sector is the interaction between man and machine, which involves the “touch” devices, always more spread, and the augmented reality.
- in the end, there is the sector that concerns the transfer from digital to real, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, robotic, communications, machine-to-machine interactions and new technologies to store and use the energy in a precise way, rationalizing the costs and optimizing the performances.

The introduction of Enterprise 4.0 concept has forced the Enterprises, that take part in to use some technologies called enablers technologies. For 4.0 Enterprises it becomes indispensable to face themes as:
- Cyber-security: the increase of internal and external interconnections open the door to everything concerns the security of information and systems. TeAM Solutions, with the collaboration of strongly focused on single topics partners, projects, realizes and assists the informatics developments of the 4.0 Enterprises.
- Cloud: implementation of every cloud Technology as the information online storage, the use of cloud computing and external data analysis services. TeAM Solutions, Microsoft partner through SPLA program, is capable to provide Software as a Service (SAAS) to cover every necessity.