With the Internet of Things concept, we refer to a neologism referred to the Internet extension to the world of places and things.
It is possible to connect anything in web with the imagination. To be connected, a “thing” must respect two features:
- it must have a unique ip address on the network
- it must have the capability to trade data using the web without any human intervention
The goal of the connected objects is simplifying our life, by automatizing processes or making available information that we had not before.

Here some examples…
- Smart Home:
furnished with home appliances and remote-controlled devices that “talk” in cabled and wireless mode. - Smart Road:
smart road, able to “talk” with cars, traffic lights and road signals, reducing pollution and travel times. - Smart Wireless:
with the Wireless Sensor Network concept (WSN), we indicate a determined web type that, featured by a distributed architecture, is made by an ensemble of autonomic and electronic devices that take data from the surrounding environment and communicate each other.
The object interacts with the surrounding world, since it has its own intelligence. Indeed, it finds and transfers information between Internet and the real world. In this way, an electronic identity can be given to all that creates the world and that surrounds usy, through, for example, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and other technologies (as the more known QR code).